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Washington CAR DMV Practice Test 11

Take 24 practice tests for CAR is the best way to prepare for your Washington DMV exam is by taking our free practice tests. The following question are from real Washington DMV practice test. More than 95% people pass a DMV exam when practice at DMV Practice Test.

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Ouch! While you were on a roll there for a few questions, you didn’t pass this time. But I know this test, and I think you’ll pass next time. Really.

1. When you see other drivers around you acting or reacting in anger:
Don’t make eye contact.
Don't react with hand gestures.
Distance yourself from the situation.
All of these.

When other drivers are behaving angrily, you should take action to physically and mentally distance yourself from the situation. Avoid making eye contact with them, or making body movements or gestures that could provoke them. Slow down, move over, or do whatever you safely can to put yourself out of danger.

2. If you drink alcohol socially, what helps ensure safe driving?
Drink coffee before driving.
Ride home with a friend who has not been drinking.
Take a cold shower before driving.
Stop drinking one half hour before driving.

One strategy to avoid driving while impaired or intoxicated is to arrange for a ride home with a friend who does not drink. Drinking coffee or taking a cold shower cannot reduce your blood alcohol content or reduce the effects of alcohol. On average, it takes about an hour for the body to eliminate the alcohol from a single drink.

3. Which of the following commonly causes traffic accidents?
Inattentive driving
Excessive speed under the driving conditions
Following other vehicles too closely
All of the above

Driving too fast for conditions is a major cause of motor vehicle crashes. Being inattentive to surroundings can cause a driver to collide with other vehicles. Most rear-end collisions are caused by drivers following other vehicles too closely.

4. When driving in traffic, it is safest to:
Fluctuate your speed to keep alert.
Drive faster than the flow of traffic.
Drive slower than the flow of traffic.
Drive with the flow of traffic.

Crashes often happen when some drivers go faster or slower than other vehicles on the road. Always try to drive with the flow of traffic, within the posted speed limit.

5. The buyer of a vehicle must transfer ownership and registration:
By the end of the year.
Before the license plate expires.
Within 15 days from the date of purchase.
Within 60 days from the date of purchase.

The purchaser of a vehicle must transfer ownership within 15 days to avoid penalty fees. If the vehicle is sold by a dealer, the transfer is the dealer’s responsibility.

6. When driving past a vehicle that has just stopped in a parked position on the side of the road, you should:
Assume that the driver will open the car door as you approach.
Speed up.
Slam on your brakes.
Assume that the driver will wait for you to pass before opening the door.

When passing a vehicle that has just parked parallel to the road, you should assume the driver will open the door as you approach. Use extra caution when driving near parked vehicles.

7. If you need to drive in foggy weather:
Turn on your low beam headlights.
Turn on your hazard lights.
It is okay to drive at the maximum speed limit.
Do not drive at a speed above 10 miles per hour.

You are required to use your headlights during the day when visibility is reduced to 500 feet or less. When you first turn on your headlights, be sure they are adjusted to the low beam setting. Using high beams in fog or rain will cause the light to reflect back into your eyes, lowering visibility even more.

8. When approaching a railroad crossing warning sign:
Be ready to drive faster than the train.
Be prepared to stop if a train is nearby.
Look for a way around any lowered gates.
Assume no trains are nearby and continue driving normally.

Railroad crossing warning signs are used to warn drivers of the possibility of a train. Drivers should obey all railroad crossing warning signs and never go around barriers or disregard the warning sign.

9. You are involved in an accident. You should:
Stop immediately.
Help the injured.
Call the police.
All of the above.

If involved in an accident, you should stop your vehicle immediately. If possible, move the vehicle out of the way of traffic. Call the nearest police agency and ask for an ambulance, if necessary. Do not move the injured unnecessarily, but attempt to stop severe bleeding with direct pressure. Wait for emergency vehicles to arrive.

10. To enter a freeway:
Signal, yield to existing traffic, and enter at the same speed that traffic is moving.
Signal and enter the freeway. Freeway traffic must yield.
Drive slowly so you can check traffic.
Always come to a complete stop first.

When merging into traffic, you should signal and enter at the same speed that traffic is moving. Always yield to other traffic when entering a roadway.

11. On a sidewalk or in a crosswalk, bicyclists should ride slowly and:
Don’t need to give an audible signal before passing any pedestrian.
Yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian.
Take the right-of-way without yielding to pedestrians.
Don’t need to do everything possible to avoid colliding with a pedestrian.

Bicyclists may choose to ride on a sidewalk, unless prohibited by a local agency. Bicyclists must yield to pedestrians on sidewalks or in crosswalks.

12. You may avoid the risks of alcohol-related crashes by:
Deciding before you start drinking that you are not going to drive.
Simply saying, "No thanks, I'm driving," if someone offers you a drink.
Calling a taxi.
Doing any of the above.

The only way to avoid the risks of drinking and driving is to decide before you start drinking that you are not going to drive. Because alcohol affects your judgement, it will be harder for you to make safe decisions after you have started drinking.

13. A “No standing” sign at a certain location means:
You may never stop your vehicle there.
You may park there if the driver remains in the vehicle.
You may stop temporarily only to pickup or discharge passengers.
You may stop to load or unload merchandise.

A "No standing" sign means that you may only make a temporary stop to load or discharge passengers.

14. This road sign means:
A steep grade is ahead.
You must turn left ahead.
Do not enter.
A four-way intersection is ahead.

This signs warns that a four-way intersection is ahead.

15. This sign means:
All traffic must turn left.
No left turn.
No U-turn.
Truck route to the left.

This sign indicates that left turns are prohibited.

16. This sign means:
Pedestrians only.
Intersection ahead.
Hiking trails ahead.
School crossing ahead.

This sign indicates that a school crossing is ahead.

17. What do speed limit signs indicate?
Potential driving speeds for the area
The maximum or minimum speed that is legally allowed to be driven
The speed drivers should drive in heavy traffic
The speed drivers should drive under poor conditions

Speed limit signs indicate the maximum or minimum safe speed that is allowed to be driven on a roadway. The maximum limits are for ideal conditions and you must reduce your speed when conditions require it.

18. Any time you want to merge with other traffic, you should:
Allow a gap of about four seconds.
Wait until your travel lane is ending and then merge, even into a small gap.
Merge at any time, regardless of a gap.
Merge into a traffic lane only when other drivers have stopped their vehicles.

Anytime you want to merge with other traffic, you need a gap of about four seconds. If you move into the middle of a four-second gap, both you and the vehicle behind you have a two-second following distance. You need a four-second gap whenever you change lanes, enter a roadway, or when your lane merges with another travel lane.

19. Which of the following recommendations does not promote safe night driving?
Keep your windshield clean.
Be aware that tinted windows reduce visibility in the dark.
Carry a flashlight in your vehicle.
Look into the headlights of oncoming vehicles.

If you look into the headlights of an oncoming vehicle, the pupil of your eye will contract. After the oncoming vehicle has passed, there will be an interval of time during which the pupil must readjust to the less intense light. During this recovery period, you are virtually driving blind.

20. Double solid yellow lines painted down the middle of the road mean:
Railroad crossing ahead.
Pedestrian crossing ahead.
Passing is not permitted from either direction.
Passing is permitted from either direction.

Double solid yellow lines in the center of the road mean that passing is not allowed from either direction. You may not cross the lines unless you are making a left turn or passing pedestrians, bicyclists, and riders of scooters or skateboards when the opposite lane is clear and you can pass safely.

21. Be cautious when large trucks, buses, and vehicles with trailers make turns because:
They yield to all left-turning traffic.
They back up to make room before completing the turn.
They make wide turns and may cross the centerline.
They may stop unexpectedly during the turn.

Large trucks, buses, and vehicles pulling trailers swing wide and sometimes must cross the centerline to make turns. For your safety, you should not crowd the intersection or attempt to pass these vehicles, especially on the right side.

22. What is the first thing you should adjust, if needed, when you get into a car to drive?
Your seat belt
The steering wheel
Your rearview mirror
Your seat

When preparing to drive, you should first adjust your seat to ensure that you are in a comfortable position and can see the road clearly. Adjust your mirrors and steering wheel to be effective when your seat is fully adjusted.

23. Which of the following is a safe way to drive through a curve?
Slow down as you enter, speed up as you exit.
Maintain a constant speed throughout the curve.
Speed up as you enter, slow down as you exit.
Stay near the right edge of your lane.

You should slow down as you enter a curve and increase your speed gradually as you exit. Increasing your speed as you enter a curve will make it more difficult to control your vehicle.

24. Your blind spot is the area of the road:
You cannot see without moving your head.
Directly behind your vehicle.
You see in your rearview mirror.
You see in your side mirror.

Blind spots are areas that a driver cannot see without moving their head. They can be located to the sides of and behind a vehicle.

25. This sign means:
You should drive with the flow of traffic.
Limit your speed for the next 50 miles.
Speed limits are enforced for the next 50 miles.
The speed limit is 50 miles per hour.

A speed limit sign indicates the maximum safe speed allowed or the minimum safe speed required.

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