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Texas CAR DMV Practice Test 23

Take 24 practice tests for CAR is the best way to prepare for your Texas DMV exam is by taking our free practice tests. The following question are from real Texas DMV practice test. More than 95% people pass a DMV exam when practice at DMV Practice Test.

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Ouch! While you were on a roll there for a few questions, you didn’t pass this time. But I know this test, and I think you’ll pass next time. Really.

1. Taking drugs along with alcohol:
Increases the risk of causing a crash.
Is no more dangerous than consuming alcohol by itself.
Lessens the effect of alcohol on your ability to drive.
Has no effect on your general driving ability.

Drugs (including illegal, prescription, and over-the-counter medications) can affect your brain function and impair your ability to drive safely. Combining alcohol with other drugs will increase the risk of a crash.

2. Which of the following is true regarding seat belts and child restraints in vehicles?
You should never place an infant or small child in the front seat of a vehicle with airbags.
An airbag can be dangerous to an infant or small child, even in a low-speed collision.
You should always make sure all your passengers are using a seat belt or child restraint.
All of the above.

Before you drive, always fasten your seat belt and make sure all your passengers are using seat belts or child restraints. Studies have shown that if you use seat belts, your chances of being hurt or killed in a traffic crash are greatly reduced. Children age 12 and under should always ride properly restrained in a rear seat. Never put a rear-facing infant restraint in the front seat of a vehicle with a front passenger airbag.

3. When approaching an accident scene, you should:
Keep your attention on your driving.
Keep moving.
Stop if you are involved or if emergency help has not yet arrived.
All of the above.

Do not stop at an accident scene unless you are involved or emergency help has not yet arrived. Keep your attention on your driving and keep moving, watching for people who might be on or near the road. Never drive to the scene of an accident, fire, or other disaster just to look.

4. You are waiting in the intersection to complete a left turn. You should:
Signal and keep your wheels turned to the left.
Signal and keep your wheels straight.
Flash your headlights so drivers will let you through.
Drive around the rear of a car if it blocks you.

You must always signal before turning or changing lanes. You should keep your wheels straight while waiting to make a left turn. If another vehicle hits you from behind, this ensures that you will not be pushed into oncoming traffic.

5. This sign means:
Trucks under 18,000 lbs. allowed.
Hill ahead.
Truck stop ahead.
No trucks allowed.

This sign warns that there is a steep hill ahead.

6. When stopped behind a motorcycle, drivers should allow the rider a distance of at least:
One full vehicle length.
Three full vehicle lengths.
Two feet.
Four feet.

Stop a safe distance behind motorcyclists at intersections, signals, or crossings. A full vehicle length is recommended to help prevent impact with the motorcycle should your vehicle be hit from the rear. In dry conditions, motorcycles can stop more quickly than cars, so being aware and alert at all times can help prevent a collision.

7. When parking your vehicle downhill on a two-way street:
Turn your wheels to the right.
Turn your wheels to the left.
Keep your wheels pointed straight ahead.
Leave your transmission in neutral.

When you park on a downward-facing slope, turn your wheels sharply toward the side of the road. This way, if your vehicle starts to roll downhill, it will roll away from traffic.

8. You may park or stop along the shoulder of the freeway:
As long as you turn on your four-way (emergency) flashers.
If no part of your vehicle is on the road.
If you need to look at a map for directions.
Only if you have an emergency.

It is prohibited to park on the shoulder of a freeway, except in an emergency.

9. To pass a slower-moving vehicle on a two-lane, two-way road, you must:
Not cross the centerline.
Flash your lights at oncoming traffic.
Use the shoulder.
Use the lane that belongs to oncoming traffic.

Passing on a two-lane, two-way road requires good judgment because you must use the lane belonging to oncoming traffic to complete your pass. Only pass if you may safely and legally do so.

10. This sign means:
Four-lane traffic ahead.
Divided highway ahead.
Two-way traffic ahead.
Intersection ahead.

This sign warns of two-way traffic ahead.

11. When may a driver stop on railroad tracks?
If they are crossing and their car is not yet able to entirely clear the tracks.
If it doesn't sound like there are any trains nearby.
If the gate is not lowered.

Never stop on railroad tracks. If your car stalls on the tracks and you cannot restart it, get out and try to push the car off the tracks. If you cannot push the car off the tracks, get help. Do not begin to cross railroad tracks unless your car can entirely clear the tracks.

12. This sign means:
Stop sign ahead.
Lane closed ahead.
Railroad crossing ahead.
Traffic signal ahead.

Warning signs are usually diamond-shaped with black markings on a yellow background. They alert drivers to upcoming hazards. This warning sign indicates that a traffic signal is ahead and drivers should prepare to react to a yellow or red light.

13. When is it illegal to drive below the speed limit?
When driving slowly disrupts the normal flow of traffic
When in heavy traffic in a construction zone
Only when driving in rural areas.
When driving under adverse weather conditions

It is illegal to drive so slowly that you disrupt the normal flow of traffic. You may receive a citation for driving too slowly.

14. You should signal to turn ____ before beginning the turn.
100 feet
50 feet
20 feet
10 feet

When you wish to change lanes or make a turn, signal with arm signals or mechanical turn signals to inform other motorists of your intention. Signals should be activated at least 100 feet before you make a turn. If you are using mechanical signals, continue signaling until you have completed the turn or lane change.

15. What does a lane control signal with a green arrow above a reversible lane indicate?
The signal is about to change to a red X.
Drivers should not drive in this lane.
Drivers may use this lane only to make a left turn.
Drivers may drive normally in this lane.

Lane control signals are used when the direction of the flow of traffic in a specific lane changes throughout the day. They are used to show which lanes of traffic are open and closed, as well as to show if toll booths are open or closed. When a lane control signal contains a green arrow, drivers may drive normally in the indicated lane.

16. You are involved in an accident and your vehicle is blocking traffic. You should:
Move your vehicle off the traveled portion of the roadway, if possible.
Not move your vehicle under any circumstances.
Wait until the police arrive before moving your vehicle.
None of the above.

After a minor collision, move your vehicle off the traveled portion of the roadway, if possible. Do not leave the scene of an accident without identifying yourself and rendering assistance.

17. When approaching a steady green traffic light, drivers should:
Continue driving, unless there are vehicles or pedestrians already in the intersection.
Stop if a police officer is nearby.
Treat the intersection like a four-way stop.
Come to a complete stop before proceeding.

When approaching an intersection with a steady green traffic light, yield to pedestrians in the crosswalk and vehicles still in the intersection. You may continue driving, but should approach the intersection at a speed that will allow you to slow down and stop if the light changes before you get there.

18. To avoid carbon monoxide poisoning, drivers should:
Have their exhaust system checked regularly to be sure it does not leak.
Keep their car turned off when it is enclosed in a garage.
Close vents when following closely behind another car.
All of the above.

Carbon monoxide fumes are odorless and deadly. Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning are sudden weariness, yawning, dizziness, and nausea. The only cure is an adequate supply of fresh air.

19. What might a flag on the back of a bicycle indicate?
The operator will be making frequent stops.
The operator drives above the speed limit.
The operator is hearing impaired.
The bicycle is broken.

Slow down when driving near a bicyclist with a flag on the back of their bicycle because the flag may indicate that the bicycle operator is hearing impaired. Use caution when driving near bicycles.

20. When you drive through an area where children are playing, you should expect them:
To know when it is safe to cross the street.
To stop at the curb before crossing the street.
To run out in front of you without looking.
Not to cross the street unless they are with an adult.

You should always reduce your speed and use extra caution when children are in the vicinity. They may fail to understand the danger and may run out in front of you without looking.

21. When entering a street from a driveway, you:
Must drive slowly to allow approaching vehicles and pedestrians time to get out of your way.
Must honk your horn so approaching vehicles and pedestrians know to give you room.
Must stop and proceed only when there are no pedestrians or vehicles approaching.
Can disregard any pedestrians if there is no sidewalk.

Always stop before entering the roadway from a driveway and yield to any approaching vehicles or crossing pedestrians. The stop should be made before crossing the sidewalk area. Failure to stop is unlawful.

22. If a pedestrian hybrid beacon signal light is a steady red, it means:
Drivers may proceed with caution.
Drivers should slow down and prepare to stop.
Drivers should come to a complete stop.
There are no pedestrians nearby.

Pedestrian hybrid beacons are used at pedestrian crossings. If the signal turns a steady red, drivers should come to a complete stop.

23. This road sign indicates:
The maximum safe speed for a residential area.
The maximum safe speed for an expressway exit.
The maximum safe speed for an expressway entrance.
The maximum safe speed for a work zone.

This advisory speed sign indicates the maximum safe speed for a highway exit (in this example, 30 mph).

24. Defensive drivers should:
Always keep their eyes moving.
Look for developing trouble spots.
Have plans of action.
All of the above.

Defensive driving is using safe driving strategies to prevent crashes. Defensive drivers should constantly be aware of their surroundings, be alert to trouble, and have plans of action prepared in case problems arise.

25. This road sign means:
Hunting area.
State park.
Deer crossing.
Wildlife preserve.

This sign warns that deer cross the roadway in the area. You should slow down, be alert, and be ready to stop.

26. If you become stranded in a snowstorm, the best thing to do is to:
Get out of the car and go for help.
Lay down in your car and go to sleep.
Walk into the road and get the attention of other drivers.
Stay in the car, as you are most likely to be found when you stay in your vehicle.

If you become stranded in a snowstorm, the best thing to do is stay in your car and wait for help. You are most likely to be found if you don't leave your vehicle. Additionally, it may be unsafe to walk around outside in a snowstorm.

27. When changing lanes on a highway, you should:
Signal a lane change.
Check your rearview and outside mirrors.
Check your blind spot by glancing over your shoulder.
All of the above.

Any time you want to change lanes, you should properly signal your intentions well in advance, check your mirrors, and check your blind spot. You can check your blind spot by glancing over your shoulder in the direction that you plan to move.

28. You want to turn left at an intersection. The light is green but oncoming traffic is heavy. You should:
Use the next intersection.
Wait at the crosswalk for traffic to clear.
Wait in the center of the intersection for traffic to clear.
Take the right-of-way since you have a green light.

When making a left turn where there is approaching traffic, you must wait for the approaching traffic to go through before you turn. You may enter the intersection to prepare for your left turn if the light is green and no other vehicle ahead of you plans to make a left turn.

29. When approaching railroad tracks, you should:
Look, listen, slow down, and be prepared to stop.
Speed up to cross the tracks before the gate is lowered.
Try to drive around a lowered gate.
Not pay attention to how many tracks there are to cross.

When approaching railroad tracks, you should look, listen, slow down, and be prepared to stop for trains or other vehicles that may be using the rails.

30. When you are being tailgated:
Move over to the right, if there is an open lane to your right.
If there is not an open lane to your right, wait until the way is clear ahead and reduce your speed slowly to encourage the tailgater to drive around you.
Never slow down abruptly.
All of the above.

If you are being tailgated by another driver and there is a right lane, move over to the right. If there is no right lane, wait until the road ahead is clear and then reduce your speed slowly. This will encourage the tailgater to drive around you. Never slow down abruptly as this will only increase the risk of your vehicle being hit from behind.

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