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Oregon MOTORCYCLE DMV Practice Test 2

Take 16 practice tests for MOTORCYCLE is the best way to prepare for your Oregon DMV exam is by taking our free practice tests. The following question are from real Oregon DMV practice test. More than 95% people pass a DMV exam when practice at DMV Practice Test.

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Ouch! While you were on a roll there for a few questions, you didn’t pass this time. But I know this test, and I think you’ll pass next time. Really.

1. To help provide space for drivers attempting to merge into your lane from an entrance ramp, you should:
Stay in your lane.
Merge into the next lane, if possible.
Not worry about it, since they are the ones trying to merge.
Ride on the far left shoulder.

Drivers merging onto a highway and into your lane may not notice your motorcycle. Give them plenty of space to safely merge by moving into a different lane, if you can.

2. Compared to riding during the day, a motorcycle operator who is riding at night should do all of the following, except:
Ride more slowly.
Allow more space between their motorcycle and other vehicles.
Use their high beam whenever possible.
Tailgate other vehicles.

To reduce the risk of a collision when riding at night, be sure to reduce your speed and increase your following distance. Use the headlights of vehicles ahead of you to see farther down the road. You should always be flexible about your lane position, especially when riding at night.

3. Riding between two vehicles moving in the same direction:
Is illegal.
Is encouraged if traffic is heavy.
Is encouraged during the day to prevent traffic jams.
Is acceptable if the motorcyclist is comfortable with the move.

In Oregon, it is illegal for motorcycles and mopeds to pass between two moving vehicles on a multilane highway or one-way street.

4. Where is the throttle usually located?
Near the left footrest
Near the right footrest
On the left handle grip
On the right handle grip

The throttle of a motorcycle is usually located on the right handle grip. Be sure to know where all of your motorcycle's controls are located before riding.

5. Helmets are:
Required for all motorcycle passengers.
Not required, but recommended.
Only required for passengers under the age of 21.
Only required for passengers who do not have their own motorcycle license.

Oregon law requires all motorcycle operators and passengers to wear a U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT)-approved helmet while riding.

6. When being passed, do not move into the portion of the lane farthest from the passing vehicle because:
The passing vehicle may re-enter your lane too early.
You may prevent another vehicle from passing you.
The portion of the lane nearest the passing vehicle is better.
You are more likely to experience a wind blast from the passing vehicle on the far side of the lane.

When being passed, you should not ride on the side of your lane that is farthest from the passing vehicle. Doing so may tempt the driver to return to your lane before there is actually room for them to do so safely.

7. To adjust for added weight when riding with a passenger, you should:
Operate at a slower speed than usual.
Maintain a shorter following distance that you would if riding without a passenger.
Operate at a faster speed than usual.
Brake a little later than you would if riding without a passenger.

The extra weight of a passenger means that your motorcycle will need more time than usual to speed up, slow down, and turn. To accommodate the added weight, you should reduce your speed; start slowing earlier than normal; increase your following distance; and seek out larger gaps when crossing, entering, or merging with traffic.

8. What does this hand signal mean?
Slow or stop
Left turn
Right turn
Backing up

Instead of or in addition to mechanical turn signals, operators may use hand signals to indicate turns or stops. If an operator's left arm is bent at the elbow and pointing downward, it means the operator plans to slow down or stop.

9. When following a car, usually the best portion of the lane to ride in is:
The left portion.
The center portion.
The right portion.
The left or right portions.

When riding behind a passenger vehicle, it is usually best to ride in the center of the lane so you will be visible in the driver's rearview mirror. Most drivers check their rearview mirrors much more often than their side mirrors, so this lane position will increase your chances of being seen.

10. When may you not need to increase your following distance?
When the road is slippery
When there is a lot of traffic
When you can see through the vehicle in front of you
When it is raining

An increased following distance is needed if your motorcycle will take longer than normal to stop. If the pavement is slippery, if you cannot see through the vehicle ahead of you, or if traffic is heavy and another driver may try to squeeze in front of you, open up to a longer following distance.

11. You should increase your following distance if:
The pavement is dry.
The pavement is wet.
You can see through the vehicle ahead of you.
The sun is out.

An expanded cushion of space is needed if your motorcycle will take longer than normal to stop. If the pavement is slippery, if you cannot see through the vehicle ahead of you, or if traffic is heavy and another driver may try to squeeze in front of you, open up to a larger following distance.

12. A danger of riding next to a row of parked cars is:
You may not find a parking spot.
A driver may unexpectedly pull out from the row into your path.
Others may be driving slowly while looking for a parking spot.
The road may be uneven.

Riding next to parked cars presents a number of potential dangers. A driver might pull out of parking space and into your path without looking. Car doors may be opened into your lane and pedestrians may step out from between cars.

13. If a tire goes flat while riding and you must stop, it is usually best to:
Relax on the handgrips.
Shift your weight toward the good tire.
Brake on the good tire and steer to the side of the road.
Use both brakes and stop quickly.

If one of your tires fails, hold the handgrips firmly and begin to slow down by easing off the throttle while maintaining a straight course. If you must brake, gradually apply the brake of the tire that is still good, if you are sure of which tire that is. Edge toward the side of the road as you slow down, squeeze the clutch, and stop.

14. When riding at night, you should do all of the following, except:
Use your high beam.
Use the headlights of vehicles ahead to help you see.
Be visible.
Ride only in the left portion of your lane.

When riding at night, use your high beam (unless you are following or meeting another car), take advantage of the headlights of other vehicles, and wear reflective materials to increase your visibility. You should always be flexible about your lane position, selecting whichever position will help you to see, be seen, and have an adequate space cushion.

15. How often should a motorcycle operator check their mirrors?
More often than the amount time spent looking ahead

It is recommended that you frequently check your mirrors to be aware of potential hazards behind you.

16. Which of the following is not a possible cause of a wobble on your motorcycle?
Incorrect tire pressure
Improper loading
Unsuitable accessories
Uneven road

Most wobbles can be traced to improper loading, unsuitable accessories, or incorrect tire pressure. Do not try to accelerate out of a wobble.

17. If you must stop quickly in a curve, you should:
Straighten up, square the handlebars, and stop.
Abruptly apply both brakes while leaning.
Apply only the rear brake.
Apply only the front brake.

If you must stop quickly while in a curve, you should first straighten and square the handlebars, then stop. If straightening your motorcycle is not possible, you should apply the brakes smoothly and gradually, reduce your lean angle, then increase the brake pressure as you slow down.

18. Which of the following is not a way to prevent a friend from driving while intoxicated?
Arrange a safe ride home for them.
Get them involved in activities to slow their drinking and keep them busy while they sober up.
Make them wait 15 minutes after their last drink before driving.
Get other friends involved in stopping your friend from driving.

To prevent someone from drinking and driving, it is a good idea to arrange an alternative way for them to get home, involve them in other activities to slow the pace of their drinking, use any available excuse to keep them from leaving, and recruit friends to help apply peer pressure.

19. In Oregon, riding in pairs is:
Illegal when other vehicles are near.
Allowed, but not recommended.
Allowed, but should only be done if there is a lot of traffic.

In Oregon, it is legal for motorcycles to ride two abreast in a single lane. However, this can be unsafe and is not recommended.

20. An advantage to keeping a cushion of space between your motorcycle and other vehicles is that:
You can pass danger more quickly.
You will have a more narrow view of the road so you can stay focused.
You will have more time to react to the movements of others.
You can more easily follow the path of the next vehicle.

Maintaining a cushion of space between your motorcycle and other vehicles on the road will give you a clearer view of any emerging hazards, more time to react to hazards, and more space to maneuver around them.

21. Clothing made of which type of material can offer the best protection to motorcyclists?

Leather garments can provide the greatest level of protection to motorcyclists. It is important to wear clothing that covers your legs and arms entirely when riding a motorcycle.

22. To stop quickly, you should:
Rely only on the front brake.
Rely only on the rear brake.
Use the front brake and then the rear brake.
Use both brakes at the same time.

If you need to stop quickly, you should apply both brakes at the same time.

23. When riding in curves, turning, or entering a highway, the best group formation is:

While riding in a staggered formation is generally the best option when traveling in a group, riders should move into a single-file line through curves, through turns, and when entering or exiting a highway.

24. To avoid fatigue, you should ride for no more than:
Two hours in a day.
Four hours in a day.
Six hours in a day.
10 hours in a day.

To reduce the risk of fatigue, limit yourself to only about six hours of riding per day. Stop regularly to rest when making a long trip.

25. You’ll have a better chance of avoiding serious injury if you wear all of the following, except:
A DOT-approved helmet.
Face or eye protection.
Ear buds.
Protective clothing.

To protect yourself against injury, you should wear a DOT-compliant helmet; face or eye protection; a jacket and long pants made of sturdy material; boots or shoes that are high and sturdy enough to cover and support your ankles; and gloves made of durable material.

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