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Nevada CAR DMV Practice Test 18

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Ouch! While you were on a roll there for a few questions, you didn’t pass this time. But I know this test, and I think you’ll pass next time. Really.

1. The amount of space you need to cross traffic depends on the:
Road conditions, weather conditions, and oncoming traffic.
Presence of a stop sign.
Use of your turn signals.
Cars behind you.

The amount of space you need to cross traffic depends on the road conditions, weather conditions, and oncoming traffic.

2. This road sign means:
The left lane is reserved for vehicles with a specific number of occupants.
Specific turning movements are allowed from specific lanes.
Do not enter.
Drivers in both lanes are responsible for merging smoothly.

This sign marks a high occupancy vehicle (HOV) lane. HOV lanes are reserved for use by buses and vehicles with a driver and one or more passengers, as indicated on the sign.

3. When approaching a railroad crossing warning sign:
Be ready to drive faster than the train.
Be prepared to stop if a train is nearby.
Look for a way around any lowered gates.
Assume no trains are nearby and continue driving normally.

Railroad crossing warning signs are used to warn drivers of the possibility of a train. Drivers should obey all railroad crossing warning signs and never go around barriers or disregard the warning sign.

4. When two vehicles arrive to an intersection at the same time, which one has the right-of-way when no signs or signals indicate rules?
The car approaching from the right has the right-of-way.
The car approaching from the left has the right-of-way.
The car in which the driver sounds his horn first has the right-of-way.
The car that is traveling the fastest has the right-of-way.

At an intersection of two similar roads without a traffic control device, a driver must yield to a vehicle approaching from the right.

5. This sign means:
No U-turn.
No left turn.
No right turn.
No turning.

This sign indicates that right turns are prohibited. Do not make a right turn at an intersection where this sign is posted.

6. You are driving in the left lane and want to move into the right lane. You should:
Check your mirrors, signal, and look over your left shoulder for other vehicles before changing lanes.
Check your mirrors, signal, and look over your right shoulder for other vehicles before changing lanes.
Check your mirrors, signal, and look over both shoulders for other vehicles before changing lanes.
Check your mirrors, signal, and change lanes.

When changing lanes, you should check your vehicle's blind spots by looking over your shoulder in the direction that you want to move. Always check your mirrors and turn on your directional signal before beginning a lane change.

7. You are stopped in a line of vehicles waiting at a stop sign. If there is no cross traffic after the vehicles ahead have passed through the intersection, you:
May proceed through the intersection without stopping again.
Must stop again at the stop sign or stop line before proceeding.
May slowly roll past the stop sign.
May follow the vehicle directly ahead of you without stopping.

You must always bring your vehicle to a complete stop and yield to approaching traffic before proceeding past a stop sign. Don't feel pressured by surrounding traffic to avoid making a complete stop.

8. This road sign means:
One-way road.
No right turn.
Sharp right turn in the road ahead.

This sign indicates that there is a sharp right turn ahead.

9. This road sign means:
You must travel at the speed indicated.
The maximum legal speed on the roadway is 55 mph.
You must travel through the intersection at the posted speed.
None of the above.

This is a speed limit sign. It indicates the maximum legal speed that you may drive on the road where it is posted. At times of rain, snow, ice, or other less-than-ideal conditions, you may have to drive more slowly than the posted limit.

10. This sign means:
Curves ahead.
Divided highway starts.
Divided highway ends.
Bumps in the road.

This sign warns drivers that the divided highway ends ahead.

11. Drivers must yield to a pedestrian:
Even if the pedestrian crosses the street carelessly.
Only when the pedestrian is in a crosswalk.
Only if the pedestrian is on the same side of the road as the driver.
If the pedestrian uses a hand signal to ask oncoming drivers to stop.

Drivers must always yield to pedestrians in the street, even if they are crossing against a red light or are otherwise being careless.

12. This sign means:
No left turn.
No stopping.
No U-turn.
Detour ahead.

This sign indicates that U-turns are prohibited.

13. A driver does not need to allow as much distance when following a motorcycle as when following a car.

In dry conditions, motorcycles can stop more quickly than cars. Therefore, a driver behind a motorcycle should allow at least three to four seconds of following distance so that the motorcyclist has time to maneuver in an emergency.

14. Taking drugs along with alcohol:
Increases the risk of causing a crash.
Is no more dangerous than consuming alcohol by itself.
Lessens the effect of alcohol on your ability to drive.
Has no effect on your general driving ability.

Drugs (including illegal, prescription, and over-the-counter medications) can affect your brain function and impair your ability to drive safely. Combining alcohol with other drugs will increase the risk of a crash.

15. When you approach a railroad crossing without flashing warning signals or crossing gates, you should:
Cross the tracks immediately and as quickly as possible.
Always stop before crossing the tracks.
Prepare to yield to any train at the crossing.
Speed up to beat any oncoming train.

Always be prepared to yield to any oncoming trains before crossing railroad tracks, particularly if there are no lights or gates controlling the crossing. Never start to cross the tracks until there is room for your entire vehicle on the other side of the tracks. Due to the risk of a vehicle stalling, it is not wise to shift gears when crossing railroad tracks.

16. Allow a larger space cushion than usual when stopping:
On an incline.
At an intersection.
At a stop sign.
At a toll plaza.

You should allow more space in front of your vehicle than usual when you are stopped on an uphill slope. If the vehicle in front of you rolls backward toward your vehicle when traffic begins to move again, it is less likely that there will be a collision.

17. If two vehicles arrive to a four-way stop at the same time:
The vehicle on the left must yield to the vehicle on the right.
The vehicle on the right must yield to the vehicle on the left.
Drivers must make hand motions to communicate with each other.
One driver should proceed without stopping.

In general, vehicles at a four-way stop should proceed in the order that they arrive. However, if two vehicles arrive to the intersection at the same time, the vehicle on the left must yield the right-of-way to the vehicle on the right.

18. You are coming to a railroad crossing where the crossing signals are flashing. You should:
Stop and look for a train.
Slow down and look for a train.
Look for a train, then speed up.
Do what the vehicle ahead of you does.

When approaching a railroad crossing, you must stop your vehicle no closer than 15 feet from the nearest rail if an installed electric or mechanical signal is giving warning of an approaching train. Be aware of other warning signs that may indicate an oncoming train, including seeing a lowered crossing gate or hearing an oncoming train.

19. Braking distance is affected by:
The speed your vehicle is traveling.
The condition of your brakes and tires.
The condition of the pavement.
All of the above.

Factors that can affect braking distance include how fast your vehicle is traveling, the condition of your brakes and tires, and the condition of the pavement.

20. When driving in fog:
Use your parking lights.
Use your low beams.
Use your high beams.
It makes no difference which lights you use.

You should use low beam headlights when driving in fog, rain, or snow.

21. If you become stranded in a snowstorm, the best thing to do is to:
Get out of the car and go for help.
Lay down in your car and go to sleep.
Walk into the road and get the attention of other drivers.
Stay in the car, as you are most likely to be found when you stay in your vehicle.

If you become stranded in a snowstorm, the best thing to do is stay in your car and wait for help. You are most likely to be found if you don't leave your vehicle. Additionally, it may be unsafe to walk around outside in a snowstorm.

22. When passing a large vehicle, the driver of a small vehicle must be prepared for:
Loud noises.
Excess air pollution.
Wind gusts produced by the large vehicle.
Falling vehicle parts.

Large vehicles can cause wind gusts with a force great enough to cause direction changes in smaller vehicles. Drivers of small vehicles should be prepared to take proper corrective steering action when approaching or passing large vehicles that are moving at or near maximum speeds.

23. This road sign means:
Your current roadway ends ahead.
You must bear either right or left.
A four-way intersection is ahead.
A road joins from the right.

This sign indicates that there is a Y intersection ahead. You must bear either to the right or to the left.

24. When faced with an oncoming car to the left and a bicyclist to the right, you should:
Pull onto the shoulder.
Split the difference.
Let the car pass and then pass the bike.
Pass the bike quickly.

When there is more than one potential hazard on the road, you should ensure that you only have to deal with one of them at a time. For example, when there is a bicyclist on the right that you want to pass and an oncoming car to the left, you should not try to squeeze between both at the same time. Instead, let the oncoming car pass, and then pass the bicyclist.

25. To help prevent crashes, you should:
Communicate with other road users.
Ignore other drivers on the road.
Drive only on side streets and back roads.
Avoid driving during rush hour.

Crashes often happen because one driver does something that other road users are not expecting. You should communicate with other motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians by doing things like signaling when slowing down, stopping, or changing direction. Use your emergency signals or horn when appropriate.

26. You may cross double solid yellow lines:
To pass a slow-moving truck.
To turn into a driveway.
To pass another car.
Under no conditions.

Double solid lines indicate that you may not pass or change lanes. You cannot cross the lines unless it is to turn left to enter or exit a highway, to turn into or from a driveway, or to make a U-turn (where permitted).

27. You must stop for a school bus:
That is parked on the shoulder of the road with no one in it.
When it approaches you, even if its lights are not flashing.
If you are both driving on a two-lane highway and its red lights are flashing.
Whenever the driver waves at you.

You must stop when approaching a school bus that is displaying flashing red lights while stopped to pick up or drop off children. On a two-lane road, traffic moving in both directions must stop and remain stopped as long as the red lights near the top of the bus are flashing and/or the stop arm on the left side of the bus is extended.

28. You may honk your horn when you:
Have to stop quickly.
Are passing another car.
Have lost control of your car.
Are passing a bicyclist.

One situation where it is appropriate to use your horn is if you lose control of your vehicle. In this case, sound your horn to alert other drivers.

29. Drivers should drive in a center turn lane for no more than:
200 feet.
100 feet.
50 feet.
10 feet.

You may travel no farther than 200 feet in a center turn lane before making a left turn. After making a left turn onto the roadway, you may travel no farther than 50 feet in a center turn lane before merging with traffic.

30. Motorcycles are entitled to:
The bicycle lane.
The same full lane width as other motor vehicles.
Half the width of a lane.
The width of the sidewalk.

Lane usage for the motorcyclist is critical. Motorcycles are entitled to the same full lane width as all other vehicles.

31. If a transit vehicle is signaling to re-enter the main roadway following a stop, you must:
Honk to let them know you’re there.
Move to the left lane.
Speed up to pass.

You must yield to any transit vehicle that is signaling to pull back onto the main roadway after it has stopped to load or unload passengers. Change lanes, slow down, or stop to allow the bus safe re-entry into traffic.

32. Pedestrians in crosswalks and at intersections always have the right-of-way.

Pedestrians have the right-of-way when crossing the road at an intersection. A crosswalk exists anywhere that two streets intersect, whether the crosswalk is marked or unmarked.

33. What may help drivers conserve gasoline?
Sitting in their driveways with their cars running.
Accelerating quickly.
Slowing down gradually.
Braking abruptly.

Every time you have to stop quickly, it takes time and fuel to accelerate and get your vehicle back up to the speed of traffic. Drivers who look far ahead of their vehicles can slow down gradually or change lanes to avoid unnecessary braking, leading to better gas mileage.

34. On the freeway, you see a "Merging traffic“ sign. You should:
Honk at incoming traffic.
Always remain at your present speed.
Speed up to avoid congesting traffic.
Move to another lane, if safe, to let traffic enter.

When on a roadway with two or more lanes, you should make room for entering vehicles. If there is no one driving next to you, move over one lane.

35. To turn left from multilane, one-way streets and highways, you should start from:
The middle of the intersection.
The right lane.
The left lane.
Any lane.

To turn left from multilane streets and highways, start from the left lane.

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