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Nebraska MOTORCYCLE DMV Practice Test 15

Take 16 practice tests for MOTORCYCLE is the best way to prepare for your Nebraska DMV exam is by taking our free practice tests. The following question are from real Nebraska DMV practice test. More than 95% people pass a DMV exam when practice at DMV Practice Test.

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Ouch! While you were on a roll there for a few questions, you didn’t pass this time. But I know this test, and I think you’ll pass next time. Really.

1. The gearshift is located:
By the left footrest.
By the right footrest.
By the right handle grip.

The gearshift lever of a motorcycle is located in front of the left footrest and is operated by the rider's left foot.

2. When riding in a group, the best formation for keeping riders together while maintaining adequate space cushions is generally:
A single-file formation.
Riding in pairs.
A staggered formation.

In general, the best way for a group of motorcyclists to maintain close ranks while still allowing each rider an adequate space cushion is to ride in a staggered formation.

3. The best way to stop quickly is to:
Use only your front brake.
Use only your rear brake.
Use both brakes at the same time.

To stop quickly, apply controlled pressure to both the front and rear brakes at the same time.

4. On a motorcycle, which brake provides the most stopping power?
The front brake
The rear brake
The emergency brake

The front brake provides about three-quarters of a motorcycle's total stopping power. Use both the front and rear brakes every time you stop.

5. When changing lanes, you should:
Use your mirrors and look over your shoulder.
Use your mirrors. You do not need to look over your shoulder unless you notice something unusual.
Either use your mirrors or look over your shoulder.

Before changing lanes, make sure no other drivers are going to be in your path. Do this by checking your mirrors and looking over your shoulder in the direction you want to move.

6. A properly adjusted rearview mirror should:
Show the road behind and to the side of your motorcycle.
Not show any part of your body.
Only show the road behind you, not any of the lane to the side.

Your rearview mirror should be adjusted to display the road behind and to the side of your motorcycle. A properly adjusted mirror may show the edge of your arm or shoulder.

7. If you are being chased by a dog, you should:
Stop your motorcycle until the animal loses interest.
Approach the animal slowly, then quickly accelerate away from the dog as it approaches.
Swerve around the animal.

If you see a dog approaching your motorcycle, slow down and downshift until you are close to the dog. Quickly accelerate away from the animal as it approaches.

8. Motorcycles may pass on the right:
If there is at least eight feet of unobstructed pavement.
By riding on the shoulder of the road.
By riding on the grass, if it is level.

Motorcyclists may pass on the right if there is unobstructed pavement with a width of at least eight feet to the right of the vehicle being passed. Motorcyclists, and other drivers, should never leave the road to pass another vehicle.

9. Helmets are:
Required for all riders.
Not required, but recommended.
Only required for inexperienced motorcycle users.

Georgia law requires riders to wear U.S. Department of Transportation-compliant helmets every time they ride. A helmet is a rider's best defense against head and neck injuries in the event of an accident.

10. Convex mirrors:
Provide a narrow view of the road behind you.
Provide a wide view of the road behind you.
Are illegal.

In comparison to flat mirrors, convex mirrors provide a wider view of the road behind you. They also make objects seem farther away than they actually are. Take the time to get used to your mirrors if your motorcycle is equipped with convex mirrors.

11. For motorcycle operators, helmets are:
Not required, but recommended.
Not recommended.

In Georgia, you are required to wear a U.S. Department of Transportation-compliant helmet any time you operate a motorcycle.

12. Usually a good way to handle tailgaters is to:
Get off the roadway.
Change lanes and let them pass.
Ride faster.

The best way to handle tailgaters is usually to change lanes and let them pass. Speeding up may only increase the danger by prompting them to continue tailgating you at the higher speed.

13. If you are being passed, you should:
Ride in the left portion of the lane.
Ride in the center portion of the lane.
Ride in the right portion of the lane.

When being passed, the center portion of the lane is generally the safest lane position for a motorcyclist. Riding on the side nearest the passing vehicle increases the risk of colliding with it. Riding on the side farthest from the passing vehicle can also be dangerous because it may prompt the driver to return to your lane before it is safe to do so.

14. Your motorcycle should fit you, meaning:
Your fingertips should barely reach the handlebars when you are seated on the motorcycle.
The seat should be one foot higher than your waist when you are standing next to the motorcycle.
Your feet should comfortably reach the ground when you are seated on the motorcycle.

A motorcycle fits you appropriately if your feet comfortably reach the ground while you are seated. Be sure a motorcycle fits you before riding.

15. If you will be carrying a passenger on your motorcycle, you will likely have to:
Reduce the tire pressure.
Make no tire pressure adjustments.
Increase the tire pressure.

Because a passenger will place additional weight on your motorcycle, you will probably need to add a few pounds of pressure to your tires before riding. Check your owner's manual for details regarding the appropriate pressure settings to use.

16. When it starts to rain, it is usually best to:
Ride in the center of the lane.
Ride in the tire tracks left by cars.
Pull to the side of the road until the rain stops.

When it starts to rain, the oily strip down the center of a lane is especially hazardous. Avoid this danger by riding in the tire tracks left by cars. The left tire track is often safest, but this can vary.

17. What type of footwear is the best for motorcycle riders?
Leather boots

Leather boots provide the best degree of protection when riding. They should be high and sturdy enough to cover and support your ankles.

18. To reduce the chances of a collision, a motorcycle rider should:
Maintain an adequate space cushion.
Ride very slowly.
Ride the centerline.

To reduce your chances of being involved in a collision, always allow yourself an adequate cushion of space. Maintain your space cushion when following another vehicle, being followed by another vehicle, passing, being passed, or lane sharing.

19. It is illegal to operate a motorcycle with a minimum blood alcohol content (BAC) of:
0.08 percent.
0.1 percent.
0.3 percent.

In California, it is illegal for a person age 21 or older to operate a motorcycle with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08 percent or higher. For a person under the age of 21, it is illegal to operate a motorcycle with a BAC of 0.01 percent or higher. It may be unsafe to operate a motorcycle even if you are under the legal limit.

20. Most motorcycle crashes occur:
In broad daylight.
At dusk.
At night.

Most motorcycle crashes happen in broad daylight. Wearing bright colors and reflective materials is always recommended when riding, even during the day.

21. The best clothing for a motorcyclist:
Feels uncomfortable.
Provides protection in a crash.
Should not stand out to other motorists.

Properly chosen clothing for riding provides a rider with protection in the event of a crash while keeping the rider comfortable and ensuring that they are visible to other road users.

22. To reduce the chances of a collision, you should:
Wear bright or reflective clothing.
Change lanes frequently.
Focus only on your riding, not on your surroundings.

Wearing bright or reflective clothing can help make you more visible to other drivers and reduce your risk of being involved in a collision. Always maintain an awareness of surrounding drivers to better prepare yourself for their movements.

23. When riding, you should wear:
Bright clothing.
Dark clothing.
Clothes that are uncomfortable.

Wear brightly-colored clothing to maximize your visibility when riding, even during the daytime. Clothing made with reflective materials can also be helpful.

24. To swerve correctly, you should:
Shift your weight quickly.
Turn the handlebars quickly.
Press the handgrip in the direction of the turn.

To swerve away from a hazard, apply a small amount of pressure to the handgrip located on the side of your intended escape.

25. Which of the following factors may affect the blood alcohol content (BAC) of a person?
The amount of alcohol consumed
The drinker's height
The temperature outside

The three major factors that can affect a person's blood alcohol content (BAC) are the amount of alcohol they have consumed, how quickly they consumed it, and the drinker's body weight.

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