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Missouri MOTORCYCLE DMV Practice Test 8

Take 16 practice tests for MOTORCYCLE is the best way to prepare for your Missouri DMV exam is by taking our free practice tests. The following question are from real Missouri DMV practice test. More than 95% people pass a DMV exam when practice at DMV Practice Test.

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Ouch! While you were on a roll there for a few questions, you didn’t pass this time. But I know this test, and I think you’ll pass next time. Really.

1. When being followed closely, it is rarely a good idea to:
Speed up.
Slow down.
Encourage the other driver to pass.
Stay in your lane.

The best way to handle a tailgater is to get them in front of you. If you can do so safely, change lanes and let them pass. Speeding up may only increase the danger by causing them to continue tailgating you at a higher speed.

2. How do headache, cold, and hay fever medications usually affect your body?
They make you drowsy.
They make you more alert.
They make you hungry.
They make you unable to concentrate.

Most drugs taken to ease headaches, colds, hay fever, allergies, or nerves can make the consumer drowsy and may impair their ability to ride safely. When taking a medication, it is important for a rider to know how the drug affects their body before riding.

3. A shatter-resistant face shield:
Can protect a rider's face in a crash.
Is only useful in protecting riders from dirt.
Does not offer as much protection as goggles.
Should not be used with a helmet.

A plastic, shatter-resistant face shield can provide protection for your entire face in the event of a crash. Goggles can protect your eyes, but not the rest of your face. A face shield also provides routine protection from dirt, dust, insects, rain, and pebbles.

4. If drinking alcohol, you should:
Decide if you are still fit to ride based on how you feel after you finish drinking.
Set a limit beforehand so you can still safely ride.
Not ride.
Not be concerned about your riding abilities if you feel fine.

The surest way to avoid the risks of riding under the influence of alcohol is to not ride after you have been drinking. Any amount of alcohol can impair your abilities.

5. When exiting a highway while riding in a group, which riding formation should be used?
Paired up
Riding three across a lane

While a staggered formation is usually best for group riding, a group should switch into a single-file formation when taking curves, turning, or entering or exiting a highway.

6. Making eye contact with another driver:
Indicates that the driver sees you.
Doesn’t mean that the driver will properly yield to you.
Guarantees that the other driver will properly yield to you.
May make the driver mad.

Never rely on eye contact as an assurance that a driver will properly yield to you. It is common for drivers to look directly at motorcyclists and still fail to notice them.

7. When riding a motorcycle, you should:
Assume the motorcycle is as easy to see as other vehicles.
Assume other drivers can’t see you.
Not be concerned with taking steps to ensure that other drivers see you.
Ride offensively.

Because motorcycles are small in stature and have fewer and smaller lights than other vehicles, they can be difficult to see. For your safety, it is best to ride defensively and assume that others on the road do not see you.

8. When riding at night, you should:
Be flexible about your lane position and adjust to changing conditions.
Travel at a faster speed than usual to get to your destination more quickly.
Always use your low beam headlight to see better.
Decrease your following distance so you can be as close as possible to the vehicle ahead.

Always be flexible about your lane position, especially when riding at night. Be especially careful to employ safe riding strategies when riding under conditions that are less than ideal.

9. Riding directly alongside another vehicle is discouraged because:
You may have a difficult time getting to a highway exit.
You may be in the other vehicle’s blind spot.
You may block the driver's view.
It prevents other drivers from passing both of you.

Riding alongside another vehicle is dangerous because you could be riding in the vehicle's blind spot. The driver may enter your lane without warning if they can't see you. The vehicle will also block your route of escape if a hazard arises.

10. You should completely check your motorcycle:
Before every ride.
Once a week.
Once a month.
Once a year.

A motorcycle requires more frequent attention than a car. Make a complete check of your motorcycle before every ride.

11. When passing a row of parked cars to your right when there is no oncoming traffic to your left, you should:
Stay toward the right side of your lane.
Stay toward the left side of your lane.
Look to your left frequently.
Use your rearview mirrors more frequently than usual.

When passing a row of parked cars, it is generally best to stay on the side of your lane that is not directly next to the cars. This will help to protect you from potential hazards like car doors being opened or people stepping out from between the cars. If there is traffic coming from the opposite direction, it is a good idea to stay in the center portion of the lane.

12. When riding a motorcycle, you should:
Always avoid the left portion of a lane.
Always avoid the right portion of a lane.
Always avoid the center portion of a lane.
Use whichever portion of the lane is safest.

There is no single lane position that you always need to avoid. Adjust your position in response to changing conditions on the road.

13. When riding in a lane of traffic, a motorcycle operator:
Should always ride in the same part of the lane.
Should vary their lane position according to riding conditions.
Should always ride in the center of the lane.
Should always ride in the left part of the lane.

There is no single lane position that is always best and no single lane position that should always be avoided. Vary your lane position based on changing road and traffic conditions.

14. When being passed, do not move into the portion of the lane farthest from the passing vehicle because:
The passing vehicle may re-enter your lane too early.
You may prevent another vehicle from passing you.
The portion of the lane nearest the passing vehicle is better.
You are more likely to experience a wind blast from the passing vehicle on the far side of the lane.

When being passed, you should not ride on the side of your lane that is farthest from the passing vehicle. Doing so may tempt the driver to return to your lane before there is actually room for them to do so safely.

15. The center portion of a lane usually contains an oily strip. This part of the lane is:
Never safe for motorcyclists.
Usually safe, unless the road is wet.
Usually safe, unless it is sunny outside.
Always safe, no matter the weather conditions.

Oily drippings from cars collect in a strip in the center of a traffic lane. Unless the road is wet, this area will generally still provide enough traction for motorcyclists to ride safely. Because the strip is usually no more than two feet wide, it is often possible to ride to one side of the strip and still be in the center portion of the lane.

16. A plastic, shatter-resistant face shield:
Is not necessary if you have a windshield.
Only protects your eyes.
Helps protect your whole face.
Does not protect your face as effectively as goggles.

A plastic, shatter-resistant face shield protects your entire face in a crash. Goggles protect your eyes, but not the rest of your face. A windshield is not an adequate substitute for a face shield or goggles.

17. Which formation is best for keeping the riders in a group close together?

A staggered formation is generally the best way for a group to maintain close ranks while also allowing each rider to maintain an adequate cushion of space. A single-file formation is preferable when taking curves, turning, or entering or exiting a highway.

18. When checking tires before a ride, you should look at all of the following except:
Air pressure
General wear
General tread

Before each ride, you should check the air pressure, tread, and general wear of your tires.

19. A proper lane position should do all of the following, except:
Allow you to set up for turns.
Allow an escape route.
Allow you to avoid wind blasts from other vehicles.
Allow you to be in another vehicle’s blind spot.

A properly chosen lane position should provide a number of benefits, including an increased ability to see others and to be seen. It should help you avoid wind blasts, other drivers' blind spots, and surface hazards. Your lane position should discourage other drivers from trying to share your lane and provide you with an escape route, should a hazard arise.

20. Which of the following will help you ride safely on slippery surfaces?
Using only the front brake
Using both brakes
Using the center lane
Maintaining or increasing your speed

When riding on slippery surfaces, reduce your speed, brake using both brakes, and avoid sudden moves. Avoid the center of the lane and instead follow tire tracks left by cars. Always keep an eye out for hazards that may make a road surface especially slippery, such as oil spots and loose gravel.

21. When riding at night, you should do all of the following, except:
Reduce your speed.
Increase your following distance.
Decrease your following distance.
Use your high beam light, if possible.

To reduce the risk of a collision when riding at night, be sure to reduce your speed and increase your following distance. Use the headlights of vehicles ahead of you to see farther down the road. Use your high beam headlight, except when following or meeting another vehicle.

22. When braking, you should use:
The front brake only.
The rear brake only.
Both front and rear brakes.
Either the front or rear brake, but not both.

You should always use both brakes every time you slow or stop.

23. When being passed, all of the following are potential hazards, except:
Extended mirrors.
Objects being thrown from other vehicles.
Blasts of wind.

When being passed, motorcyclists should be careful not to be hit by any part of the passing vehicle, including its mirrors. In addition to the vehicle itself, motorcyclists should be aware of wind gusts coming from the passing vehicle and potential objects being thrown by a passenger in the vehicle who may not be paying attention to the road.

24. Motorcycles:
Do not have blind spots because of their small size.
Have blind spots, but they are so small they should not cause concern.
Have blind spots that should be routinely checked.
Are too small to have blind spots.

Motorcycles have blind spots, just like any other vehicle. Always turn your head to check your blind spot before changing lanes. Head checks should be a regular part of your scanning routine.

25. The human body rids itself of about one alcoholic drink per hour. If a person consumes seven drinks in three hours, how many drinks likely remain in that person’s system three hours after their final drink?

The minimum number of drinks remaining in a person's system can be estimated by subtracting the number of hours since their last drink from the total number of drinks consumed. For example: a person who has consumed seven drinks in three hours would have a minimum of four drinks remaining in their system three hours later.

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