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Alabama MOTORCYCLE DMV Practice Test 9

Take 16 practice tests for MOTORCYCLE is the best way to prepare for your Alabama DMV exam is by taking our free practice tests. The following question are from real Alabama DMV practice test. More than 95% people pass a DMV exam when practice at DMV Practice Test.

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Ouch! While you were on a roll there for a few questions, you didn’t pass this time. But I know this test, and I think you’ll pass next time. Really.

1. The best lane position for a motorcycle:
Is in the left part of a lane, next to the centerline.
Is in the right part of a lane, next to the curb.
Can vary depending on road and traffic conditions.

There is no single lane position that is best at all times. Choose the lane position that allows the most visibility and space around you. Change your lane position as traffic situations change.

2. What does a flashing red traffic light mean?
Come to a complete stop and proceed when it is safe to do so.
Only stop to yield to other traffic.
Vehicles will be entering the roadway.

A flashing red traffic light means the same thing as a stop sign. You must come to a complete stop, yield to all crossing traffic and pedestrians, and proceed when it is safe to do so.

3. Unlike other substances, alcohol:
Is very quickly absorbed into the bloodstream.
Needs to be digested to enter the bloodstream.
Can improve your riding ability.

Unlike other substances, alcohol does not need to be digested before entering the bloodstream. It is absorbed directly through the walls of the stomach and small intestine, quickly reaching and affecting the brain.

4. Oil drippings and debris often collect in ______ of a lane.
The left portion
The middle portion
The right portion

Oil drippings and debris from cars and trucks often collect in the center portion of a lane.

5. A difference between googles and a windshield is:
Goggles will protect you from the wind, but a windshield won’t.
A windshield will protect you from the wind, but goggles won't.
A windshield will keep your eyes from watering better than goggles.

Googles will protect your eyes from the wind, but most windshields will not. A windshield is not an adequate substitute for goggles or a face shield.

6. When riding, you should wear:
Bright clothing.
Dark clothing.
Clothes that are uncomfortable.

Wear brightly-colored clothing to maximize your visibility when riding, even during the daytime. Clothing made with reflective materials can also be helpful.

7. If a dog is chasing your motorcycle, you should:
Swerve around the dog.
Slow down, let the dog approach, and accelerate away from the animal.
Park and wait for the dog to lose interest.

Motorcycles often seem to attract dogs. If you are being chased by a dog, downshift and approach it slowly. Then, as you approach the dog, accelerate and leave it behind.

8. Grabbing at the front brake or jamming down on the rear brake:
Can cause the brakes to lock.
Is the best way to stop in an emergency.
Is the best way to slow down when the streets are wet.

Grabbing at the front brake or jamming down on the rear brake can cause the brakes to lock. This may result in control problems.

9. Eye protection is:
Required for all riders.
Not required, but recommended.
Only required for inexperienced motorcycle users.

Georgia law requires a rider to wear eye protection when on a moving motorcycle. A full face shield provides a rider with the best possible protection.

10. The best way to help others see your motorcycle is to:
Use your headlight.
Maintain eye contact.
Wave at drivers.

The best thing to do to help others see your motorcycle is to keep your headlight on at all times. Motorcycles sold in the United States after 1978 automatically have the headlight activated while running, but be sure that the headlight works properly before every ride.

11. Motorcycles:
Need less room to stop than other larger vehicles.
Need as much room to stop as other larger vehicles.
Can stop instantly.

A rider should always maintain a cushion of space appropriate for conditions. Motorcycles need as much room to stop as other vehicles.

12. There is the greatest potential for conflict between a motorcycle and other traffic:
On the highway.
At intersections.
On rural roads.

Intersections present the greatest potential for conflict between a motorcycle and other vehicles. Motorcyclists should exercise caution when approaching an intersection.

13. To minimize the potential for fatigue on a long trip, you should:
Drink coffee.
Limit your riding per day.
Play loud music.

When taking a long trip, be sure to schedule in frequent breaks to rest, even if you do not feel tired. Experienced operators seldom try to ride for longer than six hours a day. Wind, cold, and rain can make you tire quickly, so be sure to dress to protect yourself from the elements.

14. It is illegal to operate a motorcycle with a minimum blood alcohol content (BAC) of:
0.08 percent.
0.1 percent.
0.3 percent.

In California, it is illegal for a person age 21 or older to operate a motorcycle with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08 percent or higher. For a person under the age of 21, it is illegal to operate a motorcycle with a BAC of 0.01 percent or higher. It may be unsafe to operate a motorcycle even if you are under the legal limit.

15. When other vehicles are slowed or stopped:
A motorcyclist should not weave between lanes of traffic.
It is acceptable for a motorcyclist to weave in and out of traffic lanes.
A motorcyclist should ride in a straight line between two lanes.

Riding between rows of stopped or slowly moving vehicles can be dangerous. Vehicles may change lanes, doors may open, or arms may be stuck out of vehicles' windows. Despite their size, motorcycles need the full width of a lane to operate safely.

16. While riding, you should wear:
Hearing protection to prevent damage from long-term exposure to engine and wind noise.
A helmet to protect your hearing.
A baseball cap.

Long-term exposure to engine and wind noise while riding can lead to hearing damage, even if you wear a full-face helmet. Using hearing protection is advised to prevent damage.

17. Service signs are:
Orange with black letters.
Blue with white letters.
Green with white letters.

Signs that are blue with white markings indicate the locations of services. These services may include rest areas, gas stations, food options, and hospitals.

18. A good way to handle a tailgater is to:
Speed up.
Allow them to get in front of you.
Make gestures at them.

The best way to deal with a tailgater is to allow them to pass you. Speeding up may only result in them continuing to tailgate you at the higher speed, which is even more dangerous.

19. Part of your normal scanning routine while riding should include:
Constantly looking in the rearview mirror.
Frequent rearview mirror checks.
Not using the rearview mirror.

Frequent mirror checks should be part of your normal scanning routine. Additionally, make a special point of using your mirrors before changing lanes, when stopping at an intersection, and before slowing down.

20. A person with a minimum blood alcohol content (BAC) of ____ is considered intoxicated.
0.02 percent
0.04 percent
0.08 percent

In Virginia, a person with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08 percent or higher is considered intoxicated. Any intoxicated person is prohibited from operating a motor vehicle.

21. To execute a turn safely, a motorcycle rider should always:
Lean in the direction of the curve.
Slow down in the turn.
Turn by using only the handle bars.

When turning, you should always lean in the direction of the turn. Slow down before entering the turn.

22. Handlebars must be:
Even with the seat.
No higher than 15 inches above the seat.
No higher than the operator's head when seated.

Under Alabama law, the handlebars of a motorcycle may be no more than 15 inches higher than the portion of the seat occupied by the rider.

23. When riding at night, you should:
Move closer to the vehicle in front of you so you can use its lights to see farther down the road.
Keep riding at your normal speed to lower the risk of being struck from behind.
Reduce your speed and increase your following distance.

When riding at night, reduce your speed and increase your following distance. Visibility is lowered at night and you will need the additional time and space to react to upcoming hazards.

24. You will get the most protection from a helmet if it is all of the following, except:
U.S. DOT-compliant.
Free of defects.

A helmet will provide a rider with the best protection if it meets U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) standards; fits snugly all the way around; and has no obvious defects, such as cracks, loose padding, or frayed straps.

25. If possible, do not ride directly next to another vehicle because:
Another driver may want to use your lane to pass.
You may be in the vehicle’s blind spot.
You may have access to escape routes.

Riding directly alongside another vehicle is dangerous because you may be in the vehicle's blind spot and the driver will not know you are there. Additionally, the vehicle may block your route of escape if any hazards should arise.

26. If your rear wheel locks up while you are stopping on a surface with good traction, you should:
Keep the wheel locked until you have stopped completely.
Release the rear brake and only use the front brake.
Release the rear brake and then quickly re-apply the brake.

If you accidentally lock the rear wheel while stopping on a surface with good traction, you can keep it locked until you have completely stopped. Even with a locked rear wheel, you can control your motorcycle if it is upright and traveling in a straight line.

27. On a motorcycle, which brake provides the most stopping power?
The front brake
The rear brake
The emergency brake

The front brake provides about three-quarters of a motorcycle's total stopping power. Use both the front and rear brakes every time you stop.

28. When motorcyclists ride in a group:
Inexperienced riders should lead the group.
Inexperienced riders should be near the front of the group.
Inexperienced riders should be in the back of the group.

When traveling in a group, less experienced riders should be placed near the front of the group behind the leader. This way, more experienced riders can lead the way and watch the inexperienced riders at the same time.

29. When being passed, it is usually best for motorcyclists to be in which part of the lane?
The right
The center
The left

If you are being passed either from behind or by an oncoming vehicle, stay in the center portion of your lane. Riding any closer to the passing driver could place you both in a hazardous situation.

30. A plastic, shatter-resistant face shield:
Is not necessary if you have a windshield.
Only protects your eyes.
Helps protect your whole face.

A plastic, shatter-resistant face shield provides protection for your entire face. A windshield is not an adequate substitute for a good face shield.

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